Women’s Health & Fertility 

The main clinical focus at The Balance Point is pregnancy, fertility and women’s health. Annie is ACC registered for musculoskeletal conditions and also treats a variety of other health concerns. She is also a registered Metagenics Practitioner. Treatments may consist of any or all of the following: acupuncture, massage, moxibustion, cupping, supplemental advice and prescription.

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The Balance Point | Pregnancy & Fertility acupuncture clinic | Palmerston North


Moxa sticks are made from the plant Chinese mugwort. The moxa that we use in the clinic have gone through a charcoaling process which minimises how much smoke is produced. Moxibustion is used in Chinese Medicine to stimulate acupuncture points and therefore makes it a suitable & non-invasive tool for assisting with the turning of breech or posterior presentation. Optimum time for moxa is 34/40 but can be useful from as late as 38/39 weeks too.

Moxibustion is used for 10 consecutive days.  The initial appointment involves the first session and the tools in which you will need to continue with at home.  We will do a follow up phone consult after that period and provided baby is head down we can then get underway with Prebirth sessions.

The Balance Point | Pregnancy & Fertility acupuncture clinic | Palmerston North

Prebirth and Induction Acupuncture

Prebirth Acupuncture, or birth preparation is a course of weekly sessions administered from 36 weeks. These sessions are designed to assist with cervical ripening, descent and positioning of baby.

Alongside the birthing benefits of these sessions they also provide an opportunity to address any other discomforts or concerns that may be going on. This may include heartburn, sleep issues or any anxiety or concerns around the birth itself.

Induction Acupuncture can be administered from 40 weeks, or earlier if advised by your LMC due to medical reasons. In my experience, induction acupuncture is more successful if a woman has previously had the course of prebirth acupuncture.  These appointments are very similar to the prebirth sessions but have a more stimulating effect on the uterus.

During these sessions we discuss and practice how acupressure can be utilised during birth for management of labour and encouraging partner involvement. You will receive a copy of Debra Betts acupressure booklet at this time. Partners are more than welcome to attend these sessions.

See further details about the benefits of Mother Warming in the Post Natal Care section below.

The Balance Point | Pregnancy & Fertility acupuncture clinic | Palmerston North

Acupressure for Labour

Using Debra Betts world renowned booklet and information from Spinning Babies website we will cover Acupressure and other natural pain relief techniques for labour. This is covered at the prebirth sessions.


Post Natal Care

We can help with any postnatal cares that you may require. Night sweats, perineal discomfort, caesarean scar discomfort, breast feeding problems, insufficient lactation, mastitis, postnatal depression, headaches, general aches and pains.

Mother-Warming is a beneficial one-off treatment that we administer 3-5 days post-birth.

This involves the application of moxa over the lower abdomen and lower back to aid recovery and energise Mum.

If it is too hard to get into the clinic as it can be with a new baby we can offer home visits or provide you with moxa to do this treatment at home.


Chinese Medicine and the use of supplements can have a profound effect on your natural fertility and assisting with ART (IUI, IVF). It is also used to help overcome some of the side effects that can arise whilst on fertility medication. We book appointments to align with your natural cycle or IVF cycle to stimulate follicle growth & uterine lining.

We can use blood tests and other diagnostics to ascertain where things are at for you and tailor your treatment suitably. We will talk you through what APPs are the best to use and also how to chart your temperature to determine your fertile window.

Acupuncture, herbal medicine and supplementation can also assist with male factor infertility.

We have a selection of books and resources that we can point you in the direction of.

We have a vast selection of books at the clinic that we lend out too.

Acupuncture is a surprisingly relaxing treatment to help chill you out during what can be a very exciting, stressful and challenging time.