Acupuncture for Pregnancy, Fertility and General Health, ACC, Acupressure, Moxibustion, Cupping, Massage, Herbal Medicine
The main clinical focus at The Balance Point is pregnancy, fertility and women’s health. Annie is ACC registered for musculoskeletal conditions and also treats a variety of other health concerns. She is also a registered Metagenics Practitioner. Treatments may consist of any or all of the following: acupuncture, massage, moxibustion, cupping, supplemental advice and prescription.
Herbal Medicine/Supplements
Practitioner only range
We prescribe Metagenics products and Chinese medicine formulas for a range of health requirements.
Blue Earth, Hollywell, Real Deal Hurt Creme, Konjac Sponges
We stock and order in a range of skin care products for adults and babies. We recommend Real Deal Hurt Creme and Spray for bumps, bruises and sprains.
$150 - Initial Fertility/Hormonal Consult
$105 - Fertility Follow up
$120 - Initial Acupuncture Consult
$90 - Follow up (30-40 minutes)
$40 - ACC Surcharge